Seven and 1/2 Habits for Successful Learners-
While reading/viewing the seven and a half habits, a few of them jumped right out as those that I do often, while some remained distant, with my mind instantly realizing that I don't do those as often, if at all...
One in particular that I do often and therefore is the easiest (by default) for me to do is "Use technology to your advantage". I'm a technology fanatic! I've had technology in my life since I was a kid and it's amazing the things you can learn from a machine. To this day I use technology to study, for music, to read, research, and to entertain.
However, one that I struggle with as a learner is "View problems as challenges". I simply don't do this. I see problems as problems. It seems like more of a challenge to see problems as challenges. A problem to me is something to organize, alot time for, and fix, more like a chore rather than a challenge.
Creating this blog in general was not difficult. I've created and used blogs on numerous occasions before. With this blog I hope to learn several new things, as well as sharing with others.